Company Information

Company Information

Nakagawa Japan Coo., Ltd.
1-4-1 Ebisu Higashi, Naniwa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 556-0052
Chief Operations Officer
Bjorn Heiberg
Phone Number
Please contact us by email.
We will provide you with a phone number in our response when we contact you.
Email Address
Sales URL
Explanation of charges other than product prices
Shipping or transfer fees will be paid by the purchaser.
Expiration Dates
If a payment is not received within 7 days from placing the order (including the order date), the order will be cancelled.
Delivery time: We will ship within 3 business days after payment is confirmed.
(In the case of cash on delivery, the item will be shipped within 3 business days after order confirmation.)
Handling of defective products
We will ship within 2 business days after confirming your payment or transfer.
If the product you receive is damaged or stained, please notify us by email within 7 days. We will exchange it.
If you wish to return the item due to your own circumstances, rather than due to a defect, please notify us by email within 7 days of receiving the item.
In such cases, return shipping costs will be paid by the customer.
Please note that we cannot accept returns on used products or products with your name engraved on them unless it is a mistake on our part.

For any questions, please contact us.

Our knife selection is continuously updated, therefore we don't have a fixed catalog.
For any questions, please click the contact us button below to fill out an inquiry. We can then send you pictures and suggestions of knives that we think will suit your needs. If you are able to provide additional details regarding your needs, then we will be able to better assist you.