Staff Voice

Comments From Our Staff

Joined in August 2022

Customer service, blade engraving

Thoughts on work

I jumped into Tower Knives with zero knowledge of knives just because I wanted to use English. I've been learning new things every day since joining the company. I learned that the knife that I used every day was a Japanese tradition and art. We can recommend our products to customers with confidence.

You can meet people from various countries, so you can have fun learning English, while enjoying the exciting world of knives.

To anyone interested in working with us

Our senior staff will guide you step by step from the beginning. When I don't understand something, I am always able to ask and there is always someone to help me, which is very reassuring.

My seniors' customer service skills and language skills are very high, so it motivates me to improve my own skills! I really enjoy customer service and this unique workplace. Let's grow together!